
Introduction to Petroleum - Origin

The word petroleum is derived from Latin were Petra means rock or stone & Oleum means oil it combinedly called as petroleum. It is Fossil Fuel. Petroleum is generic name for hydrocarbon, including natural gas, crude oil and their products. Petroleum is organic compound; it is a mixture of mainly carbon, hydrogen with minor amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur and some impurities (heavy metals, sand etc.). Types of Petroleum:
·                     Crude Oil
·                     Natural Gas
·                     Semi-Solid & Solid form

They were formed by the natural decomposition of dead plants and animals which takes about several million years to form petroleum under extremely high temperature and pressure condition beneath the surface of the earth.

During decomposition process the organic matter is get converted into kerogen, which is then converted into oil and gas (Petroleum). This oil and gas were mostly occurs in the sedimentary rock because those rocks have good porosity and permeability which is most important for any rock to bear the naturally formed hydrocarbon in it.

Once the organic matter is converted into petroleum it occurs in the source rock were the porosity and permeability will be low so that they get migrated upwards to the more porous and permeable rock layer which is mostly a sedimentary rock layer above this rock there will be an impermeable rock or cap rock which prevents the movement of hydrocarbon to the earth`s surface.

This rock layer which bears the oil and gas in it is called as Reservoir which is basically storage medium where the oil and gas get stored. During exploration these reservoir rock layer are identified by the geologist by using the seismic waves and their approximate size and shape can be determined then the field undergo further survey operation to obtain additional and more accurate information about that particular reservoir rock in order to drill and produce the oil and gas in an economical manner.

Once the well is drilled & completed the well is ready to produce the hydrocarbon from the reservoir. The produced hydrocarbon from the reservoir reaches the surface where it is separated into gas & liquid phase and then the oil is obtained and then it is stored and transported to the refinery for further separation components from that oil.

The various components of petroleum are separated by using a fractional distillation column i.e. the separation is based on the difference in their boiling points.


There are many theories were present regarding the origin of petroleum. The theories must explain the following characteristics associated with petroleum, the association of brine, presence of nitrogen & sulphur compounds in it, presence of haemin & chlorophyll in it, Its optically active nature. Three important theories are:

·                     Mendeleev`s carbide theory or inorganic theory
·                     Engler`s theory or organic theory
·                     Modern Theory

Mendeleev Theory: It states that petroleum is formed by action of steam or water on metallic carbide on inner portion of the earth`s crust in the presence of high temperature. But it failed explain the presence haemin, chlorophyll, S, N2 & optical activity.
  Step 1: CaC2 + 2H2O Ă  C2H2 + Ca (OH)2 .          Step 2: 3C2H2 Ă  C6H6.

Engler`s Theory: He proposed that petroleum is formed by the decay & decomposition of dead animals under high temperature and pressure. They explain the presence of brine, optically active, S & N. It fails to explain the presence of chlorophyll in petroleum, resins in oil.

Modern Theory: It is vegetable origin of petroleum. It proposed that they formed by decomposition of both marine animals and vegetable matter such as plants etc. to form the oil containing chlorophyll and medium to high resin contents in it. It also explains the presence of coal field near the oil deposits.


The formation of petroleum from organic matter defines the conversion of kerogen to oil and gas. During burial of sediments increase in temperature results in progressive change in the composition of  kerogen. There successive stages are diagenesis, catagenesis & metagenesis.

Decrease in oxygen & increase in carbon with depth.
Co2 & some heavy N, S, O compounds are released.
Source rocks are considered as immature at this stage.

Decrease in hydrogen content and H/C ratio takes place due to generation & release of hydrocarbon.
Main Oil generation and cracking produces wet gas with increasing proportion of methane.

Begins at temperature exceeding 175ÂșC.
Rearrangement of aromatic sheet occurs.
Dry gas is generated at this stage.


It is a process of movement of oil and gas between the porous and permeable rock layer near the source rock. There are three types of migration they were:

·                     Primary Migration: - It is process in which the hydrocarbon is expelled from the source rock into the adjacent permeable carrier rock bed. It occurs due to compaction of the source rock.

·                     Secondary Migration: - The movement of hydrocarbon within the carrier rock or reservoir beds from source area to trap. It occurs due to the density difference and presence permeable formation.

·                     Tertiary Migration: - The movement of hydrocarbon from one trap to the another trap or seeps out.


Due to migration of hydrocarbon from the source rock to the carrier bed then finally to the trap. The trap is geological structure present beneath the surface of the earth they mostly have impermeable layer as its top section which is important layer to prevent the upward migration of hydrocarbon to the earth surface and helps the hydrocarbon to get stored or remain inside the subsurface. These traps are the structures were the hydrocarbons mostly get accumulated together after their migration from source rock.

There two main type of mostly found they are:
·  Structural Traps
o        Anticlinal Traps
o        Fault
· Stratigraphic Traps
o        Pinchout
o        Truncated
o        Salt Dome


                  Introduction to Petroleum Engineering Book by John R Fanchi and Richard L. Christiansen.
                  Elements of Petroleum Geology Book by Richard Selley.

by: Naveen Gokul

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Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


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