
Horizontal wells and Multilateral Wells


The aim of this chapter is to introduce some of the design principles required in planning horizontal and multilateral wells. The term designer wells were introduced in this industry primarily to emphasis the complex directional profiles that can be implemented with today’s technology. It is not intended to detail all the equipment and procedures in current use as this subject is developing rapidly. Indeed, some of the equipment which were invented in the early 1990’s are now regarded as old technology. The emphasis will be placed on the more general procedures and equipment which will are in current use.


By oilfield convention, a horizontal well is defined as a well with an inclination angle of 90o from the vertical. A vertical well is one with zero inclination angle. In fact, the first horizontal well was drilled by Russians in 1950s.


  There are three types of horizontal wells:
1. Short radius.
2. Medium radius.
3. Long radius.


The main features of this type are the very high build-up rate of 60 – 150 degrees /100 ft with a radius range of 40-100 ft. This type requires specialized articulated motors to affect the high build angles.


1. Enables sharp turns into thin reservoirs.
2. Both motors driven and drill pipe driven.
3. Laterals can be completed and tied back using special liners.


1. Poor directional control.
2. Special tools and equipment required.

The build-up rate for this type is usually 8-30o/100ft with a radius range of 200 to 700 ft. The horizontal drain is usually Between 1000 – 3500 ft.
A typical well profile consists of build-tangent section and a build-horizontal section. Two different BHA’s will therefore be required for this type of well.
The second build-up section should ideally start at the top of the "marker zone" and should reach a maximum of 85-100o on entry into the reservoir. An angle hold assembly should be used to drill the horizontal section.


This is the most common type of horizontal wells especially offshore. The build-up rate is usually from 2o to 60/100ft. The most common BHA used is a steerable system containing a single bent sub with a downhole motor.

Two profiles are in common use:
• A single build-up section terminating in the horizontal section.
• A build-tangent and then a higher build-lateral section.      


  The following factors should be considered when designing a horizontal well:
• Target definition.
• Single curve Design.
• Double curve design.


       A horizontal well is usually a development well with well-defined geological and reservoir objectives.

The following information is required to define the horizontal target accurately:
1. target co-ordinates.
2. entry point into the reservoir.
3. length of horizontal drain.
4. azimuth range of target.
5. vertical depth range of target.
6. tolerance in vertical depth and displacement.
7. dip of target.

In this design, the hole angle is built up from zero at the KOP to 90o at the entry point into the reservoir. If this design is used the buildup tendencies of both the formation and the rotary or steerable BHA should be known in order to avoid missing the target due to excessive or insufficient build up rates. Also, the build-up rate should be selected to land exactly on the target. If the buildup rate is too low the well path will fall below the target and if the buildup rate is too high the well path falls above the target. In both cases, expensive well correction is required.


If the buildup rate is too high the well path will be above the reservoir and the well will require redrilling. Similarly, if the build-up rate is too low, the well path will be below the reservoir and the drilling objectives will not be met. The above problems can be solved by having a tangent section below the initial build up curve and then build up to the required angle when reaching a reservoir marker. In some cases, the final angle is actually built up inside the reservoir.


A multilateral well is a well that has two or more drainage holes drilled from a primary well bore. Either trunk or branches can be horizontal, vertical or deviated.

Laterals into horizontal hole: A lateral drilled from a horizontal lateral in the horizontal plane.

Laterals into vertical hole: Multiple boreholes drilled from a single wellbore. These can be horizontal or deviated.

Forked: A lateral can be a horizontal portion of a well drilled from the top of the reservoir or an entire well deviated from a given point above the top of the reservoir.

Dual-opposing laterals: A multi-lateral well with two laterals, usually the two laterals are opposed at 180o emerging from the same wellbore.

Stacked-lateral: Two or more laterals departing from the same wellbore at different depths.

Multi-branched: Two or more laterals emanating from a single point.


• Increased production from a single well due to increased reservoir exposure.
• Accelerated production.
• Reduction of surface well equipment and surface facility costs.
• Multi-laterals provide flexible selectivity and easy monitoring of oil and gas wells.
• Future plug backs are laid out now avoiding expensive future re-drills.


• Tight reservoirs.
• EOR tools.
• Slot recovery.
• Injection/Production from same well.
• Complex drainage reservoirs.
• Structural delineation from first few wells.
• Exploration wells keepers, if main well was dry.


The following is a partial list of some of the most important considerations in planning a multilateral well:
1. Drilling methods.
2. Junction design
3. Well control issues.
4. Drilling issues.
5. Milling problems.
6. Completion requirements.
7. Multi-lateral requirements.
8. Abandonment.


     Well engineering and construction (Rabia Hussain)

by: Sameer Ahamed N

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